For those interested in 2025 events here is what’s coming up. Be ready to register as events typically sell out fast. Let us know if you are registered: [email protected] once you are registered. 2024/25 Events Freestyle Ski – Scroll down for all event information. Club Events (Recommended for Fundamentalz, GTeam, Freestylerz, Jr. Dev and Dev Team athletes) SHRED SESSIONS Okanagan…
To ALL SS Freestyle Club Skiers, The 2024 season is coming to a wrap. It was a very fun winter season! Please see the following content in this end of season email: THANK YOU! I have a few thank you mentions. In no particular order. #1 the ATHLETES. Freestyle is meant to be a way of learning freestyle skills in…
Hello Freestylerz and GTeam 10 week groups, I hope everyone is excited for the upcoming season! Coaches : This program starts this weekend, Saturday January 6 / 7 weekend. Location: Meeting location is NATC at the regular 8:30am drop off time. Look for the Blue SS Freestyle tent. If you are going to be running late please let us on…
To Fundamentalz Skiers! Hope everyone had a good winter break! This is a reminder that SS Freestyle Fundamentalz starts January 6 & 7 and goes for the next 10 weeks. Where and When: Saturday AM & Sunday AM (mornings) Meeting LOCATION – South end of the NATC Important TIMES: Saturday PM (afternoons) Meeting LOCATION – South end of the NATC…
TO: Fundamentalz Coaches FROM: Wade Garrod, Program Director First weekend of the 2024 Fundamentalz program is coming up Jan 6/7. Please be prepared by reading ALL this information and following Week 1 Fundamentalz pocket book. ZOOM call – 6:30 pm January 5 Please plan to attend a quick zoom call. We will go over any last minute questions and review…
***All guests must also have their BC Snowboard OR Freestyle BC/Can (Ski) 2022/23 memberships before joining any sessions. You will be prompted to sign up to go register online. Send It Land It Nailed It – Treeline Park Jam Dec 20, 2023 – CANCELLED Sorry this event has been cancelled due to soft ground. Refunds have been issued. Freeride Jam…
Big Mountain Team 2023/24 Freestyle Membership Renewal – All Freestyle participant’s must have a membership to participate. Membership is $115 and covers liability insurance ($50 Freestyle BC/$65 Freestyle Canada). Skip this step if you already have your 2024 membership. Invite An Invitation from the Head coach or Program Director is required prior to signing up for this team. An Assessment…
To SS Freestyle Club Members, SS Freestyle has implemented a volunteer rebate program. Every week, volunteer duties will be posted through Team Snap messaging to all members. Participant families who donate the minimum volunteer hours requested will be rewarded with a rebate between March 10 and April 10, 2025. To qualify for a reimbursement: ~ Fundamentalz, Gteam, Freestylerz and Riders…
Riders Half-day Program 2024-25 BC Snowboard Memberships mandatory prior to registration. Please go to SNOREG to purchase your membership before participating in programs. Ages 7+: RIDERS Half-day is a super fun program for snowboard riders who have accomplished blue runs. This is a ten-week half-day program on either Saturdays or Sundays. There are AM or PM options for each day.…
Riders Full-day 2024-25 BC Snowboard Memberships mandatory prior to registration. Please go to SNOREG to purchase your membership before participating in programs. RIDERS Full-day is a super fun program for snowboard riders who have accomplished blue and black diamond runs and who are interested in improving their skills. This is a ten-week full-day program on either Saturdays or Sundays –…